

The registered league program was developed to introduce league shooters to ATA registered shooting, and to allow current members shooting in leagues the opportunity to pick up some additional registered targets.

ATA rules apply and take precedence to registered league shooting, however, non-registered shooters are allowed to squad with registered shooters in these leagues.    Both singles and doubles registered leagues are allowed, and there is no limit to the number of weeks the league can last.

 Registered league scores will be published by the ATA in the average book and on average cards, and will be used for both target attainment and minimum requirements at ATA registered tournaments.

 A one time charge of $25 must accompany the Registered League Application when forwarded to the state association secretary.  League participants pay ONE daily fee of $3 for the registration of their league scores.

 For more information, please review the ATA rules, the Registered League Application form or contact the ATA office.

Registered League Application




Amateur Trapshooting Association
1105 East Broadway
P.O. Box 519 Sparta, IL 62286
Phone: 618-449-2224
Fax: 866-454-5198
[email protected]

Youth Trapshooting Program
Phone: 618-449-2224
Fax: 866-454-5198
[email protected]

Trapshooting Hall of Fame
PO Box 519 Sparta, IL 62286
Phone: 937-660-5663
Fax: 937-660-5664

Recreational Complex
1 Main Event Lane, Suite 510
Sparta, IL 62286
Phone: 618-295-2700