
Credentialed ATA Coaching

Coaches who have completed a comprehensive coach education program adds an extra dimension to starting the next generation of trapshooters on the correct road to a lifetime of enjoyment of our sport. To become a Credentialed Coach, an AIM Coach must successfully complete the NRA/USAS/ATA Trap Coach School. When attending the school, please check the box titled “American Style Trap” on your test sheet. By checking this box, you will automatically receive your credential from the ATA. If you have already successfully completed this course please turn in the form found here: Coach Credential Request.

Junior Coaches are those that have successfully completed the NRA Coaching School, but are ages 15-17. Upon reaching age 18, you may apply for Level 1 status by contacting NRA.

Find NRA/ATA Trap Coach Schools In Your Area: http://www.nrainstructors.org/search.aspx

Use this online list of ATA Credentialed Coaches to find one in your area: Click Here for an Online list of ATA Credentialed Coaches





A book with lesson plans (the other side of the book is the NSSA/NRA Skeet Camp): Host a Trap Camp at your shooting club to attract new youth and adults to trapshooting.
TO ORDER: http://materials.nrahq.org/trap-and-skeet-camp-lesson-plans-temporarily-out-of-stock-item-undergoing-revision.html

Item #EF09192 for $19.95 



(Trap is on pages 22-23): Designed for your new shooters to give them recognition as they achieve stair-step levels on their way to Distinguished Expert and registered targets.
TO ORDER: http://materials.nrahq.org/the-winchester-nra-marksmanship-qualification-program-booklet.html
Item #EQ09525 for $2.50


As a result of the NRA/ATA partnership, NRA re-wrote the NRA Shotgun Coach School curriculum to focus on trapshooting.  For information on the NRA/USAS Shotgun Coach School (teaching trap, skeet, sporting clays and International), contact NRA National Shotgun Coach Trainer Don Sipes at dsipes@nrahq.org / Office: 703-267-1401 / Cell: 703-389-3484. 


Amateur Trapshooting Association
1105 East Broadway
P.O. Box 519 Sparta, IL 62286
Phone: 618-449-2224
Fax: 866-454-5198

Youth Trapshooting Program
Phone: 618-449-2224
Fax: 866-454-5198

Trapshooting Hall of Fame
PO Box 519 Sparta, IL 62286
Phone: 937-660-5663
Fax: 937-660-5664

Recreational Complex
1 Main Event Lane, Suite 510
Sparta, IL 62286
Phone: 618-295-2700