ATA Youth Shooting
The ATA believes our youth trapshooters are the future of our beloved sport. Trapshooting is also a great way to introduce youth to firearms in a safe environment.
The ATA has two categories for shooters under the age of 18:
Sub-Junior: 14 years old and under
Junior: 15 to 17 years old
These categories give shooters the opportunity to compete against others in their age group and similar skill levels.
Any ATA shooter, including youth shooters, can strive to achieve a spot on the prestigious All-American Team. In order to make the team, a shooter must perform well and earn All-American points at designated ATA shoots. The All-Americans are honored with patches, hats, publicity in publications and a special reception at the Grand American!
For even more opportunities in youth trapshooting, check out the AIM program!

AIM is the OFFICIAL youth program of the Amateur Trapshooting Association
As the ATA has grown during the years, one of its largest and most successful efforts has been the development of the AIM (Academics, Integrity, Marksmanship) youth trapshooting program. Competitive youth statewide and zone wide events are administered during the year from the ATA national headquarters in Sparta, leading up to the AIM Grand National Championship event during the Grand American. In addition to program administration, the AIM program offers scholarship opportunities annually based upon the themes of the program - Academics, Integrity and Marksmanship.
The ATA is the world's premier trapshooting organization and is devoted to supporting all gun clubs while developing lifelong trapshooters and pro-gun advocates.
The total fee for any eligible ATA member to participate in AIM is $25. ATA annual membership for those under the age of 18 is $12 and AIM membership is $13. For participants 18 and older ATA membership is $20 and AIM membership is $5. All AIM membership fees are applied to AIM program costs (awards, scholarships and promotion of youth shooting). All AIM members are eligible to participate in any ATA registered event or tournament, including the Grand American, throughout the year.
Many AIM teams are a result of team participation in other youth shooting programs such as: 4H, FFA, Boy Scouts of America, American Legion and State Conservation. All members of these programs are welcome to be a part of AIM and can invite their friends to participate as well. Special awards are available at the AIM Grand Championships for Teams/Squads representing these organizations.
Categories (based on age) are established on the first day of the target year. The Shooter's individual category will remain the same throughout the target year for all events, awards and AIM Annual Teams. Example: If a shooter was 14 years old on September 1, 2012, but turned 15 on December 8, 2012, their age that target year would still be 14 (Sub-Junior).
Click Here to visit AIM's Official Website
ATA / AIM Membership Online Application
ATA Membership Mail-in application